


タイトルの本は元祖沈没型バックパッカーと言うか、ハチャメチャな人の本なんですが、驚くほど今読んでも違和感が無い。 ものの感じ方や考え方が今とそっくりなので、僕より若い人が読んでも、結構すらすら読めるんで無いでしょうか。




YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:

 I wrote about the cherry blossom last time, and again cherry blossom today.

When we say cherry blossom "Sakura", normally people are automatically think of one kind of cherry blossom call "Somei-Yoshino".

 cherry blossom Somei-yoshino

But there are many kind of cherry blossoms, and I saw "Jindai-Akebono" today in National theater in Hanzomon.  It`s little more pink than Somei-Yoshino and bloom earlier.

Cherry blossom Jindai Akebono
Jindai Akebono

So if you come to Tokyo or Japan in spring time, please enjoy many kind of Sakura.  Normaly, we as an Japanese have a party with Somei-Yoshino. That is why people think Sakura is gone in a week or little more. But if you would like to enjoy beautiful flowers, that season is much longer with other Sakura.

But of course, it is good to see "Hanami"(people drink under the Sakura) as an experience if you come just on time. Please try to talk to them, I believe most of people are so friendly to you!!

Our "Hanami" will be on the 4th of April.
Please join us and let`s have a fun!!

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:


何事にもあんまり悩まないほうで、服とか買いに行ってもほぼ一瞬で買うもの決まっちゃうし、マージャンの捨牌もすぐ決まる方なんです。 原理主義者で良いものは良い、悪いものは悪いみたいな割り切りが早いですし、一度決めたことは結構こだわってしまいます。

結構、柔軟と言うかその時その時や相手によって、言ってることが180°違う人に会ったりしますが、あのまねが出来ない。 あやかりたいとはちっとも思わないけど、羨ましいですね。


 老人の皆さんは時間が豊富に持っていられるので、乗り降りもゆったりしています。バスが止まってからおもむろに、バッグを開けて財布を捜し、小銭を数え始める人もいて停車時間がどんどん長くなる。 バスが終点の駅に着くと、全員下車するのですが、その時足元も覚束ないお婆さんと、降り口で鉢合わせたら、あなたならどうしますか、私はイラッっとしながら後ろからプレッシャーをかけるよりも、さっさと降りて好きなだけ時間を掛けて降りてくれば良い。それが正しい行動と思ったわけですよ。



YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:

 There is a one cherry blossom tree which bloom earlier than the other trees in Hanzomon. I check that tree yesterday, and it`s already blooming little

The season of cherry blossom will come soon, and Japanese people start to be excited it day by day. We start talking when the cherry trees are fully bloomed.

It is one of the most exciting season here in Japan, not because of cherry blossom since the new fiscal year will start from April. So many of people starts new thing, like school or job.

I think we will be able to see or join Hanami soon maybe sometime nextweek. So please try to go to the park and enjoy cherry blossoms and Japanese Hanami!!

We as an YADOYA Guesthouse are planning to have Hanami Party on 4th of April at Arai-Yakushi Park. Anyone welcome for that party

We will write the notice on our YADOYA blog later about the our Hanami Party, so please check it!!

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:

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YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:

California Burger

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So once again its time for another burger review,yes I know you are probably tired of them but I promise this will be the last one....maybe)
This time around its the California burger from McDonald's Big America line up, actually the last one to be released.

After the disaster that was the Hawaiian burger, I wasnt expecting much of this burger but I was pleasantly surprised.

This burger consists of a beef patty with a slice of tomato, lettuce bacon Monterey Jack cheese and a special red wine sauce

At first bite of this burger I thought it was quite bland, but as bit into it more I realised what it was it had a subtle flavour to it. The Sauce especially was kinda good and fresh, while the cheese had a more mellow flavour compared to the normal cheddar McDonald's uses for its burgers.

I wouldnt buy this burger again though because it is slightly more expensive than the normal menu ones but if you dont like the strong flavour of the normal burgers and prefer a more subtle and fresh tasting burger than this one is for you.

This burger is a nice ending to the big America round up, I enjoyed them all, well except for the Hawaiin burger.....what was McDonald's thinking when they made that one.....We I guess they cant be all winners!

Alex Auscarria
Makku Connoisseur.

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:


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ゲストハウスの事務所は10時から開くので、朝は比較的ゆっくり出社出来ます。1時間ほど電車に乗るのですが、まあ大体座ってこれます。 電車の終点がそのまま会社のある中野なのでずーっと乗ってる訳です。

そうしていると時々、女性がお化粧を始めるんです。朝時間が無いのか、電車で化粧が日課なのか? 電車のポスターに「家でやろう!」って書いてありますが、違う意味で家でやった方が良いと思う。。。

だいたいフルコースで化粧する人は、小一時間は掛かりますが、始めから終わりまでずーっと乗ってる私にはこれはマジック、いやイリュージョンです。 えっ、あの顔がこの顔!!! 中野で駅を降りる彼女を見た人は、西船橋で乗ってきた彼女は判りません。 冗談抜きで判らない筈。

女性はホントに化ける。 これには色々深い考察があるのですが、あまり書くと大変な事になるのでやめます。

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:


Hawaiian Burger

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 Being a Makku fanatic I just had to try the new burger in McDonald's Big
America line up. This time around is the Hawaiian burger.

This burger consists of a grated cheese topped  bun with one beef
patty,  one egg some bacon, cheese and lettuce. Which at this point
sounds like a great burger but then they go and wreck the burger with
this 'Loco Moco' sauce, which is supposed to be the flavor of a
traditional hawaiian dish.

The problem is that this sauce is trying to be spicy and at the same
time sweet, but fails miserably at both.

What this burger is.....confused! Yes thats the word for it!

Similarly our taste buds are confused and so I cannot really tell if
this is a delicious burger or not. That is failure in my books folks!

And it looks like I am not the only one who thinks this. The other
burgers (Texas and NY) were so popular that each restaurant made only
limited amounts of each, and they were sold out quite quickly. Not so in
the case of the hawaiian burger.....they even made a special dinner set
so they can sell the hawaiian burger.

McDonald's the public has spoken! And it isnt happy! Whatever happened
to your taste tasters on the day you were making this burger? They were
on stike because you didnt pay them enough? Or perhaps their taste buds
were so confused that they didnt know whether this burger was good or not
and said it was good to save face.

Whatever the case this burger was a total failure! And at the premium
price you need to pay for these 'special' burgers I suggest you stay
away from them.

My image of a hawaiian burger is one with a pineapple slice in it....but
oh well.

I am eagerly awaiting the next burger next week.....

Alex Auscarria
Makku Connoisseur.

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:


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「料金いくら?」仕方なくおねえさん封筒を計って、「340円です、順番にお呼びしますから少々お待ち下さい。」ってほとんど泣きそう。 カウンターの後ろの方から小ボスみたいなのが覗いているけど様子を伺うだけで息を殺してそーっと見てる。
「あんた340円受け取るだけの簡単な事じゃない、そんな事も出来ないの!!!」そりゃあそうだがその簡単な事を俺たちは素直に待ってるんだという回りの20人のプレッシャーをまったく感じ取れないおじさんは、「だから郵便局はダメなんだ!!!」とヒートアップ。「なんの為に民営化したんだ!!!」 おっしゃる通り、郵便局の窓口が効率的とは思いませんが、ルールを無視してるあんたはなんなんだ。

後ろで様子見している、小ボスは部下も助けんと何覗いてるんだ。 回りで口も挟まず念力で非難だけを送ってる自分たちも、うーん。

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:





作業を放棄して、窓を開けて(雨が降ってたけど構ってられない)冷たい空気を吸って落ち着くのを1時間ほど待ち、少し動けるようになったら車に乗って朦朧としながら家まで1時間ほど高速を走って家の近くまで来たら、なんとなく発作が治まって来たのでした。 だったら帰る前におさまれっちゅうの!


YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:

To 7 or not to 7

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 Lately I have been considering to make the move to Windows 7, Microsoft's new flagship OS. It new and shiny and good, or so the critics say.

Normally I would wait a while until the dust is settled and Microsoft releases many bug fixes for their obviously flawed products.
I started on Windows 3.11 back in the day, followed by Windows 95 and I didnt move to 98, until its final iteration Windows 98 SE, which was probably the best and most stable build of the 9x OSes. Lets not talk about the failure that was Windows Me.
When Windows XP in 2001 came out I was intrigued, built from the NT based OS so it should of be quite stable, but I wasnt  fully convinced.
I was happy with my Win 98SE system at that time and it wasnt until the release of SP2 3 years later that I made the change to XP. And I have been happy with my system ever since.
2005 marked the release of Windows Vista, a new OS built from the grounds up, quite different from what Microsoft had offered before but sure it was pretty, but it ran like turtle, in a time where computers are getting faster and faster it didnt make sense that your OS just slowed your machine up. So naturally I steered away from this OS too.
However when Microsoft unveiled Windows 7, they promised a system which looks like Vista, but ran like XP. Of course I was intrigued and maybe a little excited. And I even got to try out an early build of the OS.
And I had to say I was quite impressed.

Recently Osamu got a new computer, and of course it came with Windows 7. So I was quite excited to have a chance to play around with his computer.
The thing is that he ask me to install CS4 in his computer, now Adobe says it is compatible, but I have had a hell of a time installing Photoshop and I finally managed to install Illustrator, after one day of trying!
I guess not all programs are fully compatible yet.

So it got  me thinking if I really should install it now or wait.
Well I have decided to take the plunge and install it. So thsi will be my last blog using a XP OS, next week I will have a nice and hopefully working Widows 7 computer.

Alex Auscarria

Computer Otaku

YADOYA Guesthouse Tokyo
One of the cheapest guesthouses in central Tokyo.
Please check our website for more details:


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